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There are 125 thirteen-letter words containing A, O, P, R, T and Wbad␣part␣of␣town bowed␣psaltery Broselow␣tapes brown␣leaf␣spot carpenterworm carpet␣bowling Central␣Powers co-parent-in-law corporatewide cowtastrophes cow-tastrophes crow␣pheasants cryptowallets crypto␣wallets custard␣powder deep-water␣solo gallipot␣words Glasgow␣patter grapes␣of␣wrath grow␣operation gunpowder␣teas highway␣patrol hotwater␣physa karwinaphthol military␣power neuropathways nonwaterproof Northwick␣Park operative␣word optical␣powers owner-operator palaeoweather paper␣toweling paper␣township Parktown␣prawn partridge-wood parvowinchite paying␣towards peakflowmeter peak␣flow␣meter penalty␣throws play␣number␣two pork␣tapeworms port-wine␣marks port-wine␣stain posteriorward poulard␣wheats powder␣coating powderization power␣distance power-operated power␣stations power␣take-offs prawn␣cocktail pregnant␣woman produced␣water profit␣warning put␣a␣foot␣wrong rainbow␣plants reactive␣power russet␣sparrow saltwater␣soap Schwartzkopfs sea␣spleenwort slaps␣on␣wrists snow␣partridge solitary␣wasps spaghetti␣worm spearthrowers sportswashing spread␣the␣word staying␣powers swamp␣oak␣trees swap␣partition swapportunity sweatdropping sweep␣the␣board taking␣a␣powder talcum␣powders tatterwallops temporalwards threw␣for␣a␣loop throw␣for␣a␣loop tie␣down␣straps twin␣paradoxes twitterpation ultrapowerful unspaceworthy unspoken␣water wafflestomper waffle-stomper waffle␣stomper Wallis␣product wanted␣posters warm-water␣port warprofiteers war␣profiteers waste␣products water␣caltrops water␣dropwort waterfall␣plot watermelon␣cap water␣opossums water-porridge waterproofers waterproofing water␣scorpion wave␣operators weather␣a␣point weatherpeople weatherperson weatherproofs weather␣report Weatherspoons West␣Menlo␣Park whisperations Williamthorpe wish␣upon␣a␣star Wolverhampton Worcester␣Park word␣paintings work␣placement work␣platforms yellow␣atrophy Zapata␣sparrow
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 7 words
- French Wiktionary: 21 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 43 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 1 word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 56 words
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