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There are 72 fourteen-letter words containing A, B, I, 2S and WAbyssinian␣well Abyssinian␣wolf as␣the␣wind␣blows backshadowings backwoodsiness Barkis␣is␣willin' Barlow's␣disease bearing␣witness Bishop's␣Waltham Bismarck␣browns blueside␣wrasse boatswain-birds boatswain's␣mate boatswain's␣pipe boswellic␣acids bowling␣creases brackishwaters brackish␣waters Brunswick␣stars Cetti's␣warblers chased␣rainbows chases␣a␣rainbow chases␣rainbows climbs␣the␣walls club␣sandwiches constablewicks Cribbs␣Causeway crossbar␣switch Danube␣Swabians Darwin␣stubbies dirty␣snowballs dishwasherable eyebrow-raisers Hitler's␣buzzsaw paperbag␣waists rainbow␣showers raised␣by␣wolves raised␣eyebrows raises␣eyebrows sandwichboards sandwich␣boards sandwich␣breads Sathmar␣Swabian Schwäbisch␣Hall scrub␣wallabies Shadow␣Cabinets Sherman's␣bow␣tie Siberian␣weasel snowball␣fights snowshoe␣rabbit spaghetti␣bowls substantive␣law swamp␣wallabies Swedenborgians swellabilities swings␣both␣ways unwhisperables washhand-basins washing␣bottles washtub␣bassist wastepaper␣bins webcartoonists webside␣manners white␣steenbras Wickham␣Bishops Wilson␣chambers windsurf␣boards Wisemans␣Bridge Wiseman's␣Bridge witches'␣Sabbath wobbler␣disease Zimbabweanness
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 2 words
- French Wiktionary: 44 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 1 word
- German Wiktionary: 96 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 21 words
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