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There are 115 fourteen-letter words containing A, E, 2H, M and Yamphichelydian antihomeopathy apophytochrome arrhythmogenic azinphosmethyl azinphos-methyl Cheatham␣County chemicotherapy chimney-pot␣hats chlamydiaphage chlamydophores chrysanthemate chrysanthemoid chrysanthemoyl chrysanthemums Comanche␣physae Comanche␣physas dehydrothermal echotomography erythrochromia hadrochemistry haemapophyseal haemolymphatic haemopathology haemophagocyte have␣no␣sympathy heavy␣machinery helminthophagy hematolymphoid hemihepatecomy hemihypoplasia hemimethylated hemophagocytes hemophagocytic Henley-on-Thames heptamethylene hermaphrodeity hermaphrodytes hexamethylenes high␣memory␣area Himalayan␣shrew homeopathicity homoanhydrides homomethylated homothetically hormone␣therapy hormonotherapy human␣geography hydrohematites hydromechanics hydrothermally hygrothermally hylaeochampsid hyperarchaisms hyperchloremia hyperchromasia hyperchromatic hyperemphasize hypermenorrhea hypermethylase hypermethylate hypernephromas hyperthermally hypochloraemia hypochloraemic hypochloremias hypomenorrheas hypomenorrhoea hypomethylated hypomethylates hypothalamuses hypotrachelium hyracotheriums isobathytherms lymphapheresis lymphographies mechanotherapy megalichthyids metaphilosophy methane␣hydrate methoxymethane methylthiourea methylurethane methylxanthine mishyphenating mishyphenation Monastyryshche multihyphenate mythogeography mytho-geography naphthylamides naphthylamines naphthylmethyl nymph␣of␣the␣pavé ophthalmectomy ophthalmometry ophthalmoplegy phaeochromycin phenethylamide phenethylamine pheochromytoma phosphoimagery photothermally physiochemical phytochemicals platyhelminths plethymography plethysmograph psychochemical rhombohedrally rhythm␣and␣blues rhythm␣and␣grime rhythmicalness thermophysical zymophosphates
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 16 words
- French Wiktionary: 51 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 33 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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