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There are 73 fourteen-letter words containing A, E, L and 3Papolipoprotein apperceptively apple␣dumplings apple-polishers apple␣polishers apple-polishing apples␣and␣pears carpet␣slippers celandine␣poppy copper␣sulphate deep␣pile␣carpet elephant␣apples hypopentaploid Iceland␣poppies inappropriable laptop␣computer lipopeptidases lumpia␣wrappers malappropriate Mapplethorpean Mapplethorpian mercaptopropyl mom␣and␣apple␣pie opal␣pineapples paleopolyploid palette␣swapped Papadopouloses papal␣supremacy paper␣aeroplane paper␣airplanes paphiopedilums papulopustules parallelepiped parallelopiped parallepipedal past␣participle Peculiar␣People people-pleasers people␣pleasers people's␣palaces perpetual␣pills phenylpropanes phospholipases pineapple␣cakes pineapplegrass pineapple␣guava pineapple␣melon pineapple␣mints pineapple␣tarts pineapple␣weeds pipe-and-slipper pleurapophyses pleurapophysis polar␣opposites polypeptidases polyphosphates polyplacophore polypropionate postapocalypse post-apocalypse postapoplectic postperceptual preapocalyptic preapplication preputioplasty pupillary␣space purple␣swamphen queen␣pineapple superpopulated suprahaplotype unappropriable Upper␣Peninsula wallpaper␣group
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