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There are 59 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, C, E and 2Faffectabilities affectationally affectationists affranchisement American␣buffalo area␣of␣influence articles␣of␣faith as␣a␣matter␣of␣fact avalanche␣effect bandwagon␣effect breakfastcupful caffè␣macchiatos caffeoylquinate caffetannic␣acid capital␣offences capital␣offenses charge␣d'affaires chargé␣d'affaires Clifford␣algebra disaffectionate fact␣of␣the␣matter fallen␣from␣grace falls␣on␣one's␣face fathers␣of␣chapel federal␣official fields␣of␣scalars fighter␣aircraft flash-lag␣effects flathead␣catfish formal␣fallacies gave␣a␣flying␣fuck hard-easy␣effects Hausdorff␣spaces ineffaceability kaffeeklatschen kaffeeklatsches made␣a␣difference make␣a␣difference Marangoni␣effect matter-of-factish mechanoafferent Mexican␣standoff narcotrafficker nonaffectionate office␣landscape official␣gazette overcaffeinated overcaffeinates Papageno␣effects phase␣trafficked practical␣effect Ratcliffe-on-Soar sheafifications sufficientarian suffocation␣mate throw␣off␣balance traffic␣barriers undecaffeinated warrant␣officers
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