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There are 56 fifteen-letter words containing A, K, 2L, P and SAlaska␣Peninsula alkalifeldspars alkylpalladiums alkylphosphates alkyl␣phosphates alkylphosphines Balkan␣Peninsula ballpark␣figures ball␣park␣figures basketball␣hoops Dahlke␣envelopes dikelocephalids Dix-Hallpike␣test glass␣parking␣lot halal␣snack␣packs Jackson␣Pollocks jasplakinolides kaleidoscopical keraphylloceles kleptoplastidal kleptoplastidic Lake␣Asphaltites like␣the␣clappers lipstick␣lesbian military␣pickles milking␣parlours Norfolk␣spaniels oligospiroketal package␣leaflets Parker␣House␣roll perfluoroalkyls personalitylike phase-locked␣loop Planck␣particles planktivorously planktonologist pocket␣billiards polyalkylations polyalkylimides polyhaloalkanes prickly␣saltwort pseudoalkaloids quadruple-clicks rook␣polynomials scallion␣pancake skiagraphically slackrope␣walker sleep␣like␣a␣mouse sounds␣like␣a␣plan speckled␣warbler split␣the␣blanket stack-upo'-the-kill strike-slip␣fault stroll␣in␣the␣park superalkalinity takes␣the␣red␣pill
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 10 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 125 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 52 words
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