List of 16-letter words containing ••••• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a seventh letter
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There are 38 sixteen-letter words containing 2A, B, 2S and WAbraham's␣willings abstinences␣of␣war Abyssinian␣wolves air-blown␣asphalts alpine␣snowboards American␣basswood awareness␣ribbons Bachman's␣warblers barley␣sandwiches bastard␣ironwoods Bayesian␣networks bear␣false␣witness black-necked␣swans boatswain's␣chairs brown␣hairstreaks Embsay␣with␣Eastby how␣embarrassment husbands␣and␣wives Labrador␣twisters parasnowboarders pizza␣sub␣sandwich rainbow␣coleslaws sagebrush␣sparrow set␣one's␣watch␣back showy␣goatsbeards skateboard␣wheels snowball␣sampling sociable␣lapwings strawberry␣leaves swamp␣beggar-ticks Swiss␣bank␣account tabloid␣talk␣shows two-seam␣fastballs unanswerableness war␣establishment washbasin␣helmets wastebasket␣taxon wastepaper␣basket
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 21 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 63 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 26 words
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