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There are 65 sixteen-letter words containing A, I, K, S, T and Vactivity␣trackers anti-Thanksgiving Ashkenormativity black␣lives␣matter compulsive␣streak conservatorylike convertible␣marks deer␣antler␣knives defensive␣tackles discovered␣attack evoked␣potentials fair␣market␣values fair␣suck␣of␣the␣sav give␣a␣sneck␣posset give␣a␣tinker's␣cuss give␣a␣tinker's␣damn God-Save-the-Kinger hostile␣takeovers investment␣banker involuntary␣parks ketoisovalerates kite-leaved␣poison Kloštar␣Podravski Kosovo␣and␣Metohia Kraljevec␣na␣Sutli leukoderivatives make␣conversation make␣the␣first␣move Markov␣partitions Markov␣properties masked␣palm␣civets molotov␣cocktails Molotov␣cocktails native-speakerism non-native-speaker non-native␣speaker observation␣decks offensive␣tackles optical␣disk␣drive Ovsiankina␣effect Planck␣velocities positive␣feedback Potemkin␣villages primitive␣streaks progressive␣stack quicksilver␣water relieving␣tackles Satnica␣Đakovačka stavrotheotokion take-home␣vehicles take␣the␣offensive Thanksgiving␣Days Thanksgivingtide truck␣driver's␣tans Turkish␣Vankedisi vaccination␣marks Valley␣of␣the␣Kings vertical␣kampongs vertical␣kampungs videokeratoscope videokeratoscopy virtual␣keyboards volumetric␣flasks zooplanktivorous Zrinski␣Topolovac
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 31 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 183 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 2 words
- Dutch Wiktionary: 117 words
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