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There are 52 seventeen-letter words containing A, E, O, T, V and Wachievement␣whores ameliorative␣waste and␣have␣done␣with␣it as␣fate␣would␣have␣it as␣luck␣would␣have␣it bent␣over␣backwards Brownian␣movements could␣have␣done␣with dick-waving␣contest die␣the␣way␣one␣lived European␣water␣vole even␣a␣worm␣will␣turn everlasting␣flower every␣day␣of␣the␣week eyewall␣mesovortex five-bar␣swordtails flavours␣of␣the␣week government␣wharves gravitational␣wave Great␣Plains␣wolves groundwater␣levels have␣a␣whale␣of␣a␣time if␣ever␣there␣was␣one Jehovah's-Witnesses Jehovah's␣witnesses Jehovah's␣Witnesses Leavenworth␣County Levant␣sparrowhawk live␣in␣the␣shadow␣of longitudinal␣waves Mountain␣View␣Acres nerve␣growth␣factor not␣wanted␣on␣voyage observation␣wheels overdraw␣the␣badger private-wire␣houses shadow␣governments St.␣John's␣Wood␣vestal top-heavy␣with␣drink Townsend␣avalanche turns␣over␣a␣new␣leaf twelve-step␣program two-move␣checkmates utilization␣review value-added␣network vestibular␣windows villains␣of␣the␣week we␣haven't␣got␣all␣day white␣as␣driven␣snow white-tailed␣plover woman␣of␣easy␣virtue women␣of␣easy␣virtue
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 21 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 60 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 62 words
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