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There are 125 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, 2E and Paerospace alefacept antipeace Apachette Apalachee apparence appeached appeacher appeaches apple␣cake apreciate beach␣peas beamspace bean-caper beatscape cake␣plate capellane Cape␣plane capestane Cape␣teals cassareep cave␣pearl cephalæa cephalate chapeaued cheapdate cheap␣date deadspace dead␣space depackage ecabapide elaeocarp encephala eparchate escapable escapades faceplate FaceSpace fearscape gamescape gamespace headspace head-space head␣space heptadeca- ice␣palace ideascape keep␣an␣act lace␣paper lakescape leafspace made␣peace makepeace Makepeace make-peace make␣peace mea␣culpae meatspace meat-space meat␣space megaspace metaspace namescape namespace near␣space nepafenac opera␣cake pacemaker palefaced palefaces Palefaces pale␣faces paleocave pancrease paper␣case paraclete Paraclete parasceve Parasceve peaceable peaceably peace␣talk peachleaf peacoated pea-coated peajacket pea␣jacket Pedescala pentadeca- petascale phacellae placeable placename place-name place␣name placentae pleasance Pleasance praecavae præfaced præfaces precaecal predacean rapecakes rape␣cakes realspace repackage sacred␣ape safe␣place safe␣space scrapeage seascapes sexcapade space␣ages space␣bear spacecake space␣cake space␣case spacehead space␣race Space␣Race space␣wave spacewear take␣place Zanatepec
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