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There are 56 nine-letter words containing A, D, E, F, H and Taffordeth afterhand afterhind catfished Chatfield deafeneth dearthful deathfats deathfics death-fire defeateth defeather Dutch␣leaf eldfather faithhead fartheads farthered fatheaded fatherdom fat-shamed feathered feldspath flatheads Flatheads flinthead forthdeal forthlead fraughted godfather halftoned half-toned hamfisted ham-fisted Hartfield hatfished hatredful headfasts headfirst head-first head␣first intefadah intefadeh intifadeh loftheads made␣shift Rafidhite seed-faith shift␣lead shitfaced shit-faced shit␣faced softheads threadfin threadful unshafted what-iffed
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