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There are 50 words containing A, B, F, O, V and Yabove␣the␣fray beast␣of␣venery beasts␣of␣venery beehive␣of␣activity beehives␣of␣activity Botany␣Bay␣fever busy␣beaver␣function defining␣vocabulary disfavorably disfavourably do␣you␣have␣a␣boyfriend favorability favorably favourability favourably February␣Revolution fibrocavitary fibrocavitatory forgivability forgivably have␣bats␣in␣one's␣belfry have␣the␣wolf␣by␣the␣ear hybrid␣wave␣function hybrid␣wave␣functions Indus␣Valley␣bullfrog Indus␣Valley␣bullfrogs kissing␣goes␣by␣favor labor␣theory␣of␣value labour␣theory␣of␣value molybdoflavoprotein molybdoflavoproteins nonverifiability painfully␣obvious point␣of␣inevitability reverberatory␣furnace reverberatory␣furnaces specific␣gravity␣bottle subfoveally too␣clever␣by␣half unfavorability unfavorably unfavourability unfavourably unforgivably unforgiveably vicar␣of␣Bray vicars␣of␣Bray volatility␣buffer volatility␣buffers you␣have␣beautiful␣eyes
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 7 words
- French Wiktionary: 6 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 6 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: no word
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