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There are 22 words containing A, B, G, R and 2Zbuzzer␣flag —— blizzarding buzzer␣flags grizzly␣bear pizzaburger —— grizzly␣bears pizzaburgers whizzbangery whizz-bangery —— bluegrass-jazz bluegrass␣jazz —— Brazilianizing ground␣blizzard —— Azerbaijanizing Leighton␣Buzzard —— Congo-Brazzaville —— long-legged␣buzzard Madagascar␣buzzard —— long-legged␣buzzards Madagascar␣buzzards rough-legged␣buzzard —— rough-legged␣buzzards 23 definitions found- buzzer␣flag — n. (Soccer) A linesman’s flag that is equipped with a button that…
- blizzarding — v. Present participle of blizzard.
- buzzer␣flags — n. Plural of buzzer flag.
- grizzly␣bear — n. A large North American subspecies, Ursus arctos horribilis… — n. A dance of the early twentieth century in which dancers mimicked…
- pizzaburger — n. A hamburger made with cheese, tomato sauce, etc. so as to taste like a pizza.
- grizzly␣bears — n. Plural of grizzly bear.
- pizzaburgers — n. Plural of pizzaburger.
- whizzbangery — n. Alternative form of whizbangery.
- whizz-bangery — n. (Informal) Thrilling, explosive action.
- bluegrass-jazz — n. (Music, jazz) A genre of bluegrass influenced by jazz.
- bluegrass␣jazz — n. Synonym of bluegrass-jazz.
- Brazilianizing — v. Present participle of Brazilianize.
- ground␣blizzard — n. (Meteorology) A wind storm that blows freshly fallen snow around…
- Azerbaijanizing — v. Present participle of Azerbaijanize.
- Leighton␣Buzzard — prop.n. A town in Bedfordshire, England.
- Congo-Brazzaville — prop.n. The Republic of the Congo, a country in Africa.
- long-legged␣buzzard — n. Buteo rufinus, a bird of prey in the Buteo genus, resident…
- Madagascar␣buzzard — n. Buteo brachypterus, a species of bird of prey in the Accipitridae…
- long-legged␣buzzards — n. Plural of long-legged buzzard.
- Madagascar␣buzzards — n. Plural of Madagascar buzzard.
- rough-legged␣buzzard — n. Buteo lagopus, a medium-large bird of prey.
- rough-legged␣buzzards — n. Plural of rough-legged buzzard.
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