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There are 119 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, E, H, P and Sacalephans acephalans acephalism acephalist acephalous achrophase acrophases alpha␣cells Apacheness Apachettes Apalachees appeachers approaches apse␣chapel aspherical bathyscape beachscape brace␣sharp Bucephalas Caesarship calapashes calipashes caliphates canephoras capsheaves cataphiles cave␣physae cave␣physas cephalgias champagnes Champagnes chaparejos chapatties chapelayns chaplaines chapparels chaprassie chaptalise chase␣plane chatspaces cheapasses cheap␣dates cheapjacks cheap␣seats cheapskate cheap-skate cheap␣skate cheapstead Chesapeake coachspeak crash␣space deathcamps death␣camps deathscape earthscape Earthscape earthspace echoplasia enchalupas eparchates Haar␣spaces hackspaces hair␣spaces halfspaces half␣spaces hardscaped hardscapes hard␣spaces headpeaces headspaced headspaces head-spaces head␣spaces heartscape heptabasic jaspachate lapachones macrophase marchpanes marshscape metaphasic panarchies paparchies paperchase parachrose parachutes pas␣de␣chats PauseChamp peach␣palms Peach␣State pea␣patches Pechora␣Sea permacaths Phaeacians pharmacies phascogale phase␣space phocaceans sacred␣harp Sacred␣Harp sarpanches scaphander scatophage scrapheaps scrap-heaps scrap␣heaps sea␣peaches seraphical snaphances snaphaunce spacehands space-happy spaceheads sphacelate sphærical tachypaces tachypneas trashscape washplaces
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