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There are 108 ten-letter words containing A, C, H, 2O, S and Tacolothist action␣hoes alcoholist anchor␣shot anthocorms antischool art␣schools autocthons backshoots Boeotarchs Bœotarchs broaches␣to cacholotes cannon␣shot cartoonish catholicos chabootras chaetodons chaetopods chantoosie chaologist chaotropes chartbooks chartrooms chaya␣roots Cheatwoods chinaroots china-roots china␣roots China␣roots chocolates choristoma chroma␣dots codeathons cohabitors cohobators colcothars Cold␣Ashton coolie␣hats cothamores cowboy␣hats crapshoots crap-shoots crap␣shoots eschatocol foot␣chases fortochkas Hoaxocaust holocausts Holocausts homostatic hostaceous Housatonic housecoats house-coats hypocostal localhosts looksmatch macromoths matchbooks matchwoods Molotschna moustachio ochlocrats octachords octathlons octochamps octo-champs ogdoastich orthoacids orthoceras orthoclads orthoclase outcoaches pathoscore photoacids photocages photocalls photocards Pocahontas potaholics rockathons schoolmate school␣mate scotograph scotophase shortcoats short-coats smooth␣call smoothcaps smooth␣clam sociopaths sociopathy South␣Acton sporotheca starchroot starch-root stomach␣oil stomachous stone␣loach switcharoo tobaccoish tocographs toolchains toothaches toothcarps tophaceous watchgoose
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