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There are 87 ten-letter words containing A, 2E, O, 2P and Rapeirotope apple␣borer apple-corer apple␣cores coappeared copperases copperhead Copperhead copperleaf copperware decacopper draypeople eardropper eptapirone ferropaper fleahopper horseapple hyperpnoea hyperpnœa leafhopper leaf-hopper leaf␣hopper notepapers operaphile operaphobe overlapped overlapper overnapped overpamper ozone␣paper palempores palpomeres palpometer Papageorge paper␣house paper-money paper␣money paper␣route paper␣towel paperwomen parcel-poet Parthenope Peace␣Corps peasoupers pea-soupers people's␣war peopleware peperomias peraeopoda peraeopods pereopodal perpetuano perscopate phaeospore picoampere platetrope polespears polyrepeat poperettas pore␣spaces præceptor prayer␣rope preadipose preadopted preapprove preoedipal preplacode pre-placode preprobate propadiene propellane propenoate proper␣name reapproved reapproves repopulate rope-a-doped rope-a-dopes rose␣apples space␣opera spacepower space␣probe stone␣paper toe-tappers toe␣tappers toned␣paper yardpeople
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