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There are 63 ten-letter words containing A, E, I, P, 2T and Uadaptitude amputative astipulate autotypies bipunctate Breithaupt butt␣pirate capitulate chupatties deputation durapatite epimutants epimutated epistratum estipulate impunctate imputative inaptitude inputtable make␣it␣up␣to multitaper outpainted outpatient out-patient painted␣out pantsuited parbutties parputties partied␣out parturiate parturient pathetique paupiettes peanutting petaurists picture␣hat platitudes puketastic putatively putoranite repeat␣unit reputation reputative septuagint Septuagint stipulated stipulates take␣up␣with tau␣protein team␣up␣with tripudiate Turing␣tape unaptitude unipartite unipeltate uniseptate unpathetic un-pathetic uptitrated uptitrates virtual␣pet vituperate wupatkiite
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