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There are 119 eleven-letter words containing A, C, N, O, P, S and Yactinoscopy acylphenols agency␣shops agrypnotics amphictyons anecophytes anisomyopic apohyoscine aposyndetic ascophyllan binary␣chops caddy␣spoons calcyphosin calypsonian capernosity castrophony chlamyopsin chrysophane clay␣pigeons company␣cars company␣seal compensably conspirancy contryphans copypasting copy-pasting copy/pasting corn␣parsley cranioscopy cyanographs cyanolipids cyanophages cyanophiles cyanophores cyanophytes cyanoplasts cyanosponge cyclophanes cymophanous cynophobias cyphonautes cytopaenias cytoplasmon dynamoscope fast␣company hypomaniacs lipoglycans moneyscapes monocalypts nanophysics near-syncope nonphysical nonsynaptic nonsyncopal nyctalopias organoscopy pachyodonts pansystolic papponymics paronychias Pasco␣County patronymics penisocracy phylacogens pick␣one's␣way pinacocytes polyachenes polyactines polycations polyclonals polycosanol polyglucans polyglycans portcrayons presyncopal prosenchyma Protestancy psephomancy psionically psycholagny psychomancy psychonauts psychophant pyranosidic pyroarsenic pyromancers pyromaniacs pyromantics Sarpy␣County scanography scenography schyphozoan scyphozoans second-party second␣party Sharp␣County skyphomancy sparsomycin spendocracy supercanopy sycophantcy sycophanted sycophantic sycophantly sycophantry synantropic synathropic syncopating syncopation syncopative syncopators syncophants syntropical tachypnoeas tarphycones trachypones typomaniacs vaginoscopy yacht␣person
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 32 words
- French Wiktionary: 59 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 3 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 3 words
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