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There are 146 eleven-letter words containing A, E, M, 2N, T and Uaccountment adjournment anguishment annumerated annumerates antemundane antependium antimensium antimutagen argumenting astoundment attunements Aunt␣Minnies connumerate countermand Countermans edutainment enamourment endurantism entocranium entomofauna enumerating enumeration foundaments fundamental Great␣Munden gun␣mantlets hausmannite human␣nature humentashen immunoagent infulminate in␣miniature innumerates intermanual intermundia intermutant joanneumite Kreutzmanns kumatakenin lumefantrin mangustines mannuronate manutenency manutention Mauretanian menstruants mensurating mensuration menthofuran metafunnels minute␣hands monumentary mountain␣dew Mountain␣Dew mountaineer mountainers mountainets mountaingem mountainite mountain␣men mountain␣tea Mountbatten Mount␣Batten mountebanks mountenance multiennial multimanned multitenant mundanities munerations Münsterland muthmannite Naumannites nematofauna neohumanist neomutation neuraminate neurinomata neuromental nonamputees nonargument non-argument nonmutative noumenality nukundamite numerations nutrimental Otomanguean Oto-Manguean pentanidium preruminant quantumness ranimustine running␣mate sermountain Smectymnuan steam␣tunnel suntan␣cream sustainment Tannenbaums tasting␣menu tournaments tumaquenone Turkmenians turning-beam turtmannite Tutankhamen ullmannites unabatement unadornment unagreement unalignment unallotment unamendment unamusement unanimities unaugmented uncinematic undermatron undominated unelemental unemotional unenigmatic ungarmented ungeminated ungentleman unilaminate unimpatient unimplanted unintimated uniterminal unlamenting unlaminated unmarinated unmomentary unmordanted unmountable unnominated unravelment unremittant unruminated unsmartness untamedness unterminate verumontana
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