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There are 113 eleven-letter words containing A, E, M, P, S, T and Yamphiphytes anemophytes aromaphytes campesteryl Capel␣St␣Mary chasmophyte chromatypes cryptogames cymatoscope dermoplasty dynamotypes Egyptianism empathyless empathy␣maps emphysemata empty␣chairs empty␣graphs empty␣spaces empyematous haemoptyses hæmoptyses haemoptysis hæmoptysis hepatostomy homeoplasty hypergamist hypermastia hypermutase macrophytes maggoty-pies majestyship mamey␣sapote meatoplasty melanotypes mentoplasty mesotherapy metabotypes metaloscopy metaphyseal metaphysial metaphysick metaphysics metaphytons metapsychic metroplasty miaphysites mispayments money␣plants monkey␣traps mystery␣play mythopoeias nonpayments osmotherapy outpayments pachymeters pansystemic parity␣games partymaster pastry␣cream pastrymaker patas␣monkey pathosystem patronymies paymistress pessimality plasmacytes plasmocytes plasmolytes plate␣moneys platymeters Playmasters plays␣the␣man poetry␣slams polymaltose polysemants premyoblast prepayments psammophyte pussy␣magnet putty␣medals pyromalates pyromucates pyrosmalite regmaglypts safety␣lamps semelparity semiopacity septopyemia septo-pyemia somatotyped somatotypes spermaphyte stapedotomy star␣polymer step␣pyramid stomatotype sympathetic sympathised sympathiser sympathises sympathized sympathizer sympathizes sympetalous synaptamide synaptosome team␣players thermospray Tilley␣lamps trypanosome tryptamines waternymphs water␣nymphs
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 34 words
- French Wiktionary: 101 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 5 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 8 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 4 words
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