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There are 111 eleven-letter words containing A, H, I, N, P, S and Yamphictyons amphigynous amphiphysin Amphitryons anaglyphics anaphylaxis anapophysis anise␣hyssop anisophylly anisotrophy antipsychic anyphaenids apohyoscine arylphorins asphyxiants band␣skyphoi binaphthyls binary␣chops Bishnupriya bitchypants bitchy-pants bitchy␣pants calcyphosin cephamycins chimney␣caps Chippewyans chlamyopsin cyanophiles cynophobias dinaphthyls disanthropy dysphoriant giant␣hyssop grain␣physae grain␣physas handygripes hemisynapse hepatolysin Hispanicity hypergiants hypermnesia hypersaline hypersignal hypersomnia hypertonias hypoanxious hypokinesia hypomaniacs hypostained hyposthenia hypusinated hypusinates kinesipathy laxaphycins lysorophian lysostaphin many␣happies misanthropy misshapenly nanophysics nonphysical notaryships nymphalines otophysians painsworthy Pamphylians panpsychism panpsychist panty␣shield paronychias phallolysin phantasying pharyngitis phryganeids phylosignal physalaemin physiciancy physicianed physicianly platyrhines Plymothians pointy␣heads pollyannish Pollyannish polyphonias Pythonistas rhinophymas rhinoplasty sinusopathy siphonogamy Sisyphusean sleepiphany Spanish␣fury sphyraenids sphyraenoid splashingly spycatching staphylinid Stymphalian supply␣chain sycophantic symphlebian synadelphic synathropic syntaphilin synthespian tachyplesin texaphyrins tyrantships xylophilans Yankophiles
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 35 words
- French Wiktionary: 88 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 11 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 1 word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 4 words
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