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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, R, S, 2T, W and YAberystwyth blastworthy boastworthy Clatworthys crystalwort flyswatters fly␣swatters Instaworthy stageworthy stalworthly stareworthy straightway tawny␣coster transitways twin␣crystal two-partyism Wall␣Streety West␣Drayton white-trashy white␣trashy 24 definitions found- Aberystwyth — prop.n. A coastal town and community with a town council in Ceredigion…
- blastworthy — adj. Worthy or capable of being blasted; explosive. — adj. (Figuratively, slang, rare) Indicative of an exceptionally…
- boastworthy — adj. Worthy of boasting; deserving of being recognised with pride.
- Clatworthys — prop.n. Plural of Clatworthy.
- crystalwort — n. Any of various plants of the genus Riccia.
- flyswatters — n. Plural of flyswatter.
- fly␣swatters — n. Plural of fly swatter.
- Instaworthy — adj. Lending itself to being photographed and posted on social…
- stageworthy — adj. (Theater) Worthy, fit, or deserving of stage presentation; stageable.
- stalworthly — adj. (Obsolete) Synonym of stalwartly.
- stareworthy — adj. Worthy of being stared at; admirable.
- straightway — n. A straight section of a racetrack. — adv. (Dated) Synonym of straightaway or straight away (at once, immediately). — adv. (Nonstandard) Directly.
- tawny␣coster — n. A species of nymphalid butterfly, Acraea terpsicore, native to tropical Asia.
- transitways — n. Plural of transitway.
- twin␣crystal — n. (Crystallography) either of two separate crystals that share…
- two-partyism — n. (Politics) A political system in which voters are given the…
- Wall␣Streety — adj. (Rare, informal) Of, or characteristic of Wall Street.
- West␣Drayton — prop.n. A suburban town in the borough of Hillingdon, Greater… — prop.n. A small village and civil parish (served by Gamston with…
- white-trashy — adj. Resembling or characteristic of white trash.
- white␣trashy — adj. Alternative form of white-trashy.
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