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There are 106 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, P, S, T and Yabstract␣type acalyptrates accompanyist acephalocyst achromatopsy actuaryships amyloplastic anhypostatic antiphysical apocalyptics apocalyptism apocalyptist asceptically asymptomatic asymptotical back␣payments bathyscaphes battery␣packs calyptostase calyptostasy calyptraeids canaloplasty canthoplasty captayneship cardioplasty carpetlayers cataphysical catawampusly chamaephytes chapterplays charity␣stamp copy-and-paste copy␣and␣paste copypastaing cranioplasty creepypastas cryptamnesia cryptanalyse cryptanalyst cryptophasia cyberspatial cyclospatula cymatographs dacryoplasty dactylospasm ectoapyrases escapability factoryscape hypolactasia hypostatical metaphysical mosaicplasty mycoparasite mycoplasmata pachyrostran pantisocracy pantisocrasy papistically paracrystals paracyclists paracystitis parasynaptic parasystolic parts␣company partyarchies pastry␣creams pataphysical payment␣cards phytocassane plasmacytoid plasmacytoma plasmatocyte plasmocytoma plastic␣Paddy Plastic␣Paddy plastocyanin platyrhacids polycyanates polygastrica polylactates postracially precatalysts prosaicality proscynemata psychanalyst psychostasia psychotrauma sandy␣carpets scaredy␣pants spatulamancy spatulomancy subcaptaincy supernatancy supracrystal sympathy␣card synaptically synapticulae synapticular synapticulas tachyphrasia tachypsychia transparency transynaptic tropical␣yams vasculopathy yachtmanship
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 21 words
- French Wiktionary: 45 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 5 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 3 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 4 words
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