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There are 78 twelve-letter words containing 2A, E, 2H and 2Tafter-hatches amphitheater amphitheatre anethopathic annihilateth anthanthrene aphthitalite astrosheaths attacheships attachéships at␣the␣hands␣of Attila␣the␣Hun beta-naphthol biphthalates cartwheel␣hat catch-breaths catch␣breaths chaetognaths chætognaths chalcanthite chant␣therapy Coalpit␣Heath deathmatched deathmatcher deathmatches death␣threats deathwatches haematopathy hard␣atheists hatchetation hatchetfaced hatchet-faced hate-watchers hate-watching Haverthwaite have␣the␣heart health␣stamps heart-healthy hearthsteads heart␣to␣heart hematopathic hematothorax hepatopathic heptahydrate herapathites hetastarches human␣chattel in␣at␣the␣death Ishihara␣test isophthalate Jabba␣the␣Hutt left-hand␣path Macbeth␣chart man␣with␣the␣ax mental␣health methatherian naphthalates naphthenates naphtholates on␣the␣warpath ophthalmates pass␣the␣trash Phaëthontean Phaëthontiad Phersephatta phetharbital take␣the␣chair thanatophile thanatophobe Theophrastan thiamethoxam throatlashes tracheopathy trimethaphan weather␣chart what's␣the␣deal what's␣the␣haps what's␣the␣scam
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 7 words
- French Wiktionary: 46 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 1 word
- German Wiktionary: 101 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 10 words
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