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There are 58 twelve-letter words containing A, D, O, 2P and 2Rairdroppable apex␣predator aphrophorids appropriated bromide␣paper carrot-topped clapperboard clapper␣board cropropamide dampproofers dipterocarps disapprovers dispropriate dopplergrams Doppler␣radar Doppler␣sonar eavesdropper expropriated flapper␣board foreapproved foreprepared impropriated namedroppers name-droppers name␣droppers opprobriated overpampered overprepared panarthropod panty␣dropper paper-folders paradropping paraproducts paratriploid paratropidid party␣powders passport␣card pearl␣powders pervaporated polar␣bear␣dip poll␣parroted porn␣and␣prawn pornographed preponderant preponderate preprogramed proepicardia propetandrol prosauropods prucalopride rapidographs rapper␣swords reapproached red␣phalarope repropagated sharecropped spar␣torpedos word␣wrapping
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