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There are 375 twelve-letter words containing A, 2E, M, N, T and U(page 2) on␣equal␣terms ouster␣le␣main outer␣garment outmaneuvers outmanoeuver outmanœuver outmanoeuvre outmanœuvre outplacement pænultimate pentamercury penultimates permastunned PIT␣maneuvers pneumaticize pneumatiques pneumatocele pneumatocoel pneumatopore preculminate premenstrual premutagenic pumafentrine put␣the␣make␣on quantimeters quantometers quinomethane ramentaceous readjustment reassurement reattunement reaugmenting reexhumation reilluminate remanipulate remunerating remuneration remunerative remunerators remuneratory renumerating renumeration retransmuted retransmutes revenue␣stamp samuelsonite semiequitant semipunctate serpentarium slaughtermen steamer␣trunk steampunkers steam␣tunnels steam␣turbine stemonaceous subbasements submentalise submentalize subnanometer subnanometre subnumerated subnumerates subpermanent subsegmental substatement subtreatment superambient supermagnets supermontage supermutagen supernematic supplemental suprasegment surbasements sweet␣maudlin taken␣umbrage tegumentally telemark␣turn teletsunamis temperaunces temporaneous tetrachenium thiambutenes traducements transduceome trauma␣centre triaugmented Turnham␣Green ultimateness unattempered uncomeatable undemarcated undergarment underlayment undermasters undermatches underpayment uneffeminate unelementary uneliminated unemblematic unempathetic unengagement unenumerated unfilamented unfragmented ungerminated unhealthsome unilamellate unimperative unimpregnate uniparameter unisegmental unlamentable unlemmatized unmagnetised unmagnetized unmalevolent unmanifested unmarketable unmasterable unmediatable unmediatized unmeditative unmedullated unmeliorated unmercantile unmetallated unmetallized unmethylated unmoderately unmusterable unmyelinated unornamented unravelments unregimental unremastered unremediated unremittable unresemblant unstreamable unstreamline untanglement unterminated unterminates unthematized untimetabled untrammelled upmarketness upper␣garment upstreamness uranometries vendue␣master vendu␣masters Whitmanesque xeranthemums Pages: 1 2
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