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There are 127 twelve-letter words containing A, L, 2N, 2T and Uadult␣content agglutinants antidilution antifoulants antiovulants antitubulins butt␣in␣a␣sling catenulating century␣plant conglutinant conglutinate congratulant consultation Consultation contentually continuality contrapuntal e-consultants entabulating entabulation entubulation ethno-neutral flat␣junction fountainlets funtionality glutinations instrumental insultathons insultations intabulation integumental internuptial inter-nuptial interpunctal intitulating invultuation Lamont␣County lansquenette lieutenantcy lieutenantry lieutenaunts luteoxanthin malnutrition maternal␣aunt multiantenna multiantigen multipennate multipinnate multitenancy nanoshuttles nanotextural natroalunite natural␣units noctambulant nocturnalist nocturnality nonacquittal nonactuality nonaltruists nonflatulent nonfluctuant nonmulticast nonmutilated nonpollutant nonresultant nonstimulant nonsubmittal nontabulated nontextually North␣Jutland notoungulate notungulates nuts␣and␣bolts outplantings parental␣unit paternal␣aunt penalty␣units punctulating punctulation quantivalent Stanly␣County steam␣tunnels student␣loans subalternant suntan␣lotion table-turning Thurstonland tintinnabula tintinnabuli tournamental trail␣hunting translatioun triannulated truncational ultraintense ultralenient ultramontane unallotments unalteration unalternated unattainable unattainably unattendedly unbuttonable uncentrality unconstantly uncontextual unfattenable unflattening unflattering ungauntleted unhesitantly unintimately unipotential unit␣interval unnaturality unpatentable untalentedly untangential untanglement untantalized untenability untenantable untranslated unventilated Walton␣County water␣tunnels
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