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There are 101 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, E, F, O, T and Uabout␣that␣life acetabuliform albedo␣feature arse␣about␣face autoamplified autoamplifies autofellating autofellators autoformatted autorefractor autotransfuse autumn␣foliage aviation␣fuels Beaufort␣scale beauty␣factory calls␣of␣nature camouflage␣net cataloguefuls cataloguesful cause␣of␣action causes␣of␣death comanufacture combat␣fatigue confabulative counterfacade counterfaçade court␣of␣appeal cubital␣fossae defraudations dental␣formula docufantasies dodecasulfate endosulfatase exosulfatases fallopian␣tube Fallopian␣tube fathers-out-law faucet␣aerator fault-tolerant featurization ferucarbotran feudalisation feudalization flavor␣fatigue fluogermanate fluorapatites fluoroacetate flutoprazepam Fontainebleau foreacquaints fountainheads fountainwater fountain␣water Foveaux␣Strait freak␣of␣nature fusobacterial half-equations have␣a␣snootful herpetofaunal herpetofaunas ichthyofaunae juxtafoveolar keratosulfate lunar␣lifeboat macafouchette macrofeatures macrofracture make␣a␣run␣for␣it make␣foul␣water manual␣of␣style manufactories match-four␣game methanofurans microfeatural muriate␣of␣soda nanofractures organosulfate pseudofractal quadrifoliate roundleaf␣bats Santa␣Fe␣County square␣footage State␣of␣Kuwait state␣of␣nature sulfamoylated sulfate␣of␣soda sulfathiazole sulfathiourea sulfatolamide sulfolactates take␣account␣of tantaliferous the␣last␣favour toupee␣fallacy toupée␣fallacy unaffrontable unformattable Vieta's␣formula water␣buffalos water␣fountain water␣off␣a␣duck
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