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There are 102 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, E, P and 3Tabstract␣types antihepatitic antiplatelets antitemplates apartmentmate apartment-sits apartment␣sits aphthitalites apothegmatist athletic␣tapes attack␣therapy attemperament attemperately attemperating attemperation attemperators attempted␣rape attention␣span autoamputated autoamputates breast␣the␣tape capital␣letter cassette␣tapes champ␣at␣the␣bit cottage␣parent emphatic␣state epaulette␣mate gadopentetate heptatitanium I'm␣a␣Protestant intimate␣parts intraplatelet intraprostate Kapitalistate ketopantoates late-type␣stars matripotestal mental␣patient metapostnotal metatemplates multicapitate open␣the␣attack packet␣station paid␣attention palettization Palmetto␣State pantothenates paratungstate party␣potatoes past␣iterative patentability patent␣leather patripotestal patternations pays␣attention pentaacetates pentamutation pentathionate petticoat␣tail photoactivate pitted␣against Pottawattamie potter's␣asthma preattachment premetastatic prometastatic protactinates Protestant␣Cay pterostigmata pump␣attendant putrefactants pyrotartrates salt␣spray␣test septostriatal state␣capitals state␣patterns statutory␣rape steatohepatic strap␣strategy supertartrate tailgate␣party tale␣of␣the␣tape tapetoretinal tatterwallops terephthalate tetranaphthyl tetraparental tetrapetalous tetraplatinum tetraplicates tetrapolarity therapeutants transpatients trans␣patients trapeze␣artist triaperturate tripalmitates tryptophanate unattemptable Watteau␣pleats zetapotential zeta␣potential
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