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There are 80 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, F, N, O, T and Uaffabulations autobuffering Baire␣function beast␣of␣burden betafunctions beta␣functions bifurcational bioflocculant biofumigation biofunctional biosurfactant Bitcoin␣faucet bouffant␣gowns brunification Bubbafication Buffalo␣County cinobufotalin confabulating confabulation confabulative confabulators confabulatory confusability confutability debt-for-nature deobfuscating deobfuscation dumbification fallopian␣tube Fallopian␣tube fantabulously fash␣one's␣thumb fastball␣count ferucarbotran flailing␣about fluoxastrobin Fontainebleau footling␣about fosbretabulin funambulation funambulators funambulatory function␣table Gabor␣function Gulf␣of␣Bothnia harbourfronts ifs,␣ands,␣or␣buts infibulations Lady␣Bountiful lines␣of␣beauty lubrification lunar␣lifeboat nonbifurcated obfuscational obfusticating obfustication publification queen␣of␣beasts rebifurcation roundleaf␣bats rubifications rubrification run␣of␣the␣balls Stanford␣bunny subfeudations subformations subfunctional sulfobenzoate sulfobetaines tablespoonful unaffrontable uncomfortable uncomfortably unfoldability unforfeitable unforgettable unforgettably unformattable unfortifiable unturnoffable
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