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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2D, S, T, U and Vdisadvauntage disadventures Hindutvavadis individualist individuators misadventured outadvertised seven␣card␣stud subadditively subadditivity superadditive underivatised vastoadductor 16 definitions found- disadvauntage — n. Obsolete form of disadvantage.
- disadventures — n. Plural of disadventure.
- Hindutvavadis — n. Plural of Hindutvavadi.
- individualist — n. Someone who believes in individualism as a sociopolitical system. — n. Someone who believes in the philosophy of individualism; a solipsist. — n. Someone who does as they wish, unconstrained by external influences.
- individuators — n. Plural of individuator.
- misadventured — adj. (Obsolete) unfortunate.
- outadvertised — v. Simple past tense and past participle of outadvertise.
- seven␣card␣stud — n. (Poker) A version of stud poker where each individual receives…
- subadditively — adv. In a subadditive manner.
- subadditivity — n. (Uncountable) The state of being subadditive. — n. The statement that a function is subadditive.
- superadditive — adj. (Mathematics, of a function) Such that the image of a sum…
- underivatised — adj. Alternative form of underivatized.
- vastoadductor — adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the vastus medialis muscle and adductor…
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