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There are 50 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2E, 2F and 2Taffectionated affectionates affectivities afferentation afforestments affreightment afterfeathers before␣the␣fact catch-up␣effect chiefs␣of␣state coffee␣extract differentiant differentiate effectivating effectuations estate␣for␣life faced␣the␣facts faces␣the␣facts fake␣the␣fatcha fifteen␣and␣two fifteen-masted flight␣feather foster␣fathers free␣fatty␣acid fruit␣of␣the␣sea get␣off␣the␣mark ineffectuated ineffectuates instant␣coffee interaffected leadoff␣hitter martini␣effect Matilda␣effect Matthew␣effect metaeffectors off␣at␣the␣races off␣to␣the␣races on␣the␣face␣of␣it outfangenthef plateau␣effect plead␣the␣fifth plead␣the␣Fifth scatter␣buffet skeleton␣staff staff␣sergeant status␣effects status␣offense Tyndall␣effect uneffectuated utfangenethef
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