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There are 108 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, F, R, S, T and Yabstergifying Ahlfors␣theory aims␣for␣the␣sky arylsulfatase attorneys␣fees bags␣of␣mystery baptism␣by␣fire beast␣of␣venery breakfast␣tray butterfly␣peas butterfly␣rays caps␣of␣liberty chiefs␣of␣party courtesy␣flags crestfallenly cryofixatives cryofractures cryotransfers cyanoferrates cyanoformates dactyliferous deep-fat␣fryers deityforsaken dietary␣fibres factory␣resets factoryscapes factory␣second false␣trevally Faraday␣tensor farnesylating farnesylation farnesylethyl fatality␣rates father-slayers feather␣oyster featurelessly ferricyanates ferrihydrates ferrocyanates fidelity␣cards first-day␣cover first␣day␣cover flaky␣pastries flying␣carpets flying␣parties flyover␣states forecastingly forensicality forestaysails formal␣systems forsythiaside Fortuny␣pleats frenuloplasty fructosylated gadfly␣petrels gallery␣forest gay␣for␣the␣stay Geoffroy's␣bats Geoffroy's␣cats ghostly␣father graft␣polymers heavy␣frigates hydrosulfates hyperinflates hypersulfated interclassify interstratify May␣the␣Fourths penis␣fly␣traps perfusability pianny-forties pianny␣forties play␣favorites plays␣with␣fire postal␣forgery presatisfying racy␣of␣the␣soil reflectarrays resanctifying safety␣curtain safety␣factors safety␣oranges semiformality sensificatory septifragally Shaftesburyan softheartedly soft-heartedly southern␣fairy specificatory strategyproof sufferability sulfopyruvate surfactometry takes␣away␣from theory␣of␣games transesterify transfinitely transfriendly trans-friendly unmasterfully Venus␣flytraps Venus'␣flytraps Venus␣fly␣traps versificatory Way␣of␣the␣Cross Wolf-Rayet␣star zones␣of␣rarity
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 10 words
- French Wiktionary: 94 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 5 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 1 word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 12 words
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