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There are 122 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, 2H, M, P and Talphamethadol amorphophytes amphipithecid amphitheaters amphitheatral amphitheatred amphitheatres amphitheatric amphitheriids amphitrichate amphothericin anophthalmies antihomophobe anti-homophobe atherinomorph cephalanthium chamerophytes champ␣at␣the␣bit chemotherapic chimney-pot␣hat chomp␣at␣the␣bit choropleth␣map chromatherapy chromatophore chromotherapy dimorphotheca East␣Hampshire endophthalmia escape␣rhythms ethnopharmacy ethnophaulism exophthalmias haematophages haematophagic haematophagus haematophilia haematophobia hæmatophobia Happy␣Merchant heart-thumping hematophagous hematophanite hematotrophic hemiatrophies hemiphractids hemisulphates hemolymphatic hemopathogens hemopathology hemophagocyte hemophthalmia hemophthalmos hepatomphalos hermaphrodite hermaphrodyte homeopathical homeopathists homoeopathism homœopathism homoeopathist homœopathist homœopathize homoheptamers hyperthalamic hyperthermals hyperthermias hyperthymesia hypomethylate hypothermally jumps␣the␣shark Kamphaeng␣Phet lampshade␣hats merchantships merchant␣ships metaphosphate methamidophos methanosphere methanotrophs methanotrophy methosulphate mishyphenated mishyphenates monophosphate morphopathies mythographers mythographies naphthalimide naphthylamide naphthylamine Pasch's␣theorem phantom␣shiner phasematching phenylmethane phonaesthemes phonaesthemic phosphomutase photochemical phthalidomide phthalimidine phytochambers phytochemical plathelminths platyhelminth prearrhythmic preophthalmic rhamphothecae rhamphothecal theanthropism thelmophagous thermographed thermographer thermographic thermotherapy Thesmophorian thiamphenicol up␣to␣the␣hammer xenophthalmia xerophthalmia xerophthalmic xerophthalmos xerophthalmus zymophosphate
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 32 words
- French Wiktionary: 103 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 71 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 3 words
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