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There are 140 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, H, I, K, L and Talkaline-earth alkaline␣earth alsakharovite ankylurethria apartheidlike arthritislike ate␣like␣a␣horse backs␣the␣field black-and-white black␣and␣white blacksmithery blacksmithies blanket␣finish blanket-stitch blanket␣stitch blatherskites Buckfastleigh buckwheatlike cathedrallike chalk␣mixtures chalkopyrites characterlike chimney␣stalks chocolatelike chocolate␣milk Christianlike Christian-like Christmaslike Christmas-like clicks␣of␣death clothesmaking dihaloketones eat␣like␣a␣horse eight-day␣clock Elizabeth␣Lake erythroplakia erythroplakic feel␣like␣death felt␣like␣death flicks␣the␣bean galley␣kitchen giant␣kelpfish godfatherlike Greek␣Catholic Hakkapeliitta handie␣talkies hazelnut␣milks heartbeatlike heart␣neckline hectokilogram hit␣like␣a␣truck in␣the␣ballpark kalij␣pheasant kaliophilites katablepharid Katharine␣Hall keratohyaline keratohyalins kharaelakhite kill-the-beggar kill␣the␣rabbit kilolightyear kindheartedly kind-heartedly kinoshitalite kitchen␣island klaprotholite kleptographic Knight␣Templar Koch's␣triangle koshering␣salt kratochvilite Küntscher␣nail kyphoplasties labyrinthlike Lake␣Kinnereth latchkey␣child latch-key␣child leap␣in␣the␣dark leather␣knives leathermaking letterhacking leukapheretic lick␣into␣shape like␣grim␣death Little␣Bookham look␣in␣the␣face make␣the␣riffle metakahlerite metaphysickal metenkephalin met-enkephalin Micklethwaite Micklethwaits milk␣chocolate milk␣moustache moustachelike myelokathexis nightmarelike nihilartikels out␣like␣a␣light parachutelike parchmentlike pink␣elephants przhevalskite reality␣checks red-tailed␣hawk sealskin␣cloth shackle␣joints Shackletonian shkatulkalite sketchability spaghettilike stahleckeriid stakeholdings stalking-horse stalking␣horse staphlokinase stickhandlers Stikeleathers strike␣the␣flag take␣delight␣in talking␣phases technical␣week the␣cake␣is␣a␣lie thickheadedly thimblemakers thimblemaking thinkableness thiohemiketal three-milk␣cake trickle␣charge unteacherlike up␣with␣the␣lark walked␣the␣line walk␣in␣the␣park walk␣in␣the␣snow Whitehead␣link wild␣buckwheat yachtsmanlike
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 7 words
- French Wiktionary: 25 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 331 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 50 words
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