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There are 92 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, H, 2L, M and Yacyloxymethyl alchemystical alcoholometry alkoxymethyls American␣holly amethodically aminophylline biochemically blameworthily blasphemingly blasphemously blimey␣Charlie chemurgically chilly␣climate chronemically Dawley␣Hamlets diarylmethyls dimethylallyl etamiphylline geochemically geomythically graphemically hairytail␣mole halatopolymer halfway␣models Halley's␣method hegemonically Helly␣families hemilaterally hexadecimally holy␣guacamole homiletically homolaterally hydraulic␣lime hyperlocalism hypoallometry hypothermally hypoxemically ischaemically Kashmir␣Valley lachrymal␣bone lachrymal␣vase Lithium␣Valley Little␣Yeldham malonaldehyde megalocephaly melon␣aldehyde mesenchymally metachronally metaethically metallochromy metallography metallophytes metallothermy methacryloyls methyl␣alcohol methylaniline methylanilino methylational methylglyoxal methylmalonic methylolureas methylol␣ureas methylsulfate military␣hotel mitraphylline morphemically myelencephala myoepithelial N-methylvaline nonchemically normally␣white parenchymally phænomenally philematology phylotemporal platyhelminth polyampholyte polygonal␣mesh prethymically rheumatically schematically semilethality semischolarly syllabic␣rhyme thermal␣cycler thermotically triarylmethyl what-d'ye-call-'em yellowhammers yellow-hammers yellow␣hammers
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 17 words
- French Wiktionary: 33 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 3 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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