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There are 137 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, 2M, O, T and Yaccommodately aluminothermy aminomethoxys amygdalectomy amylomaltases assosymmetric axiosymmetric chemotaxonomy chromatometry come␣away␣empty comma␣category commemoratory commentary␣box commerciality commiseratory commodity␣meat commutatively complementary complimentary cryopsamments cryptogrammes cytomembranes dermamyotomes dermatomegaly dermomyotomal dimethylamino dynamothermal dysembryomata dysmetabolism emblematology emphysematous enteromammary ethylammonium formal␣systems gametocytemia gametocytemic gemistocytoma gynecomastism gyromagnetism haematomyelia haemotympanum hemacytometer hemacytometry hematocytomer hemolymphatic heteromyeloma homomethylate hymenosomatid hypodermatomy hysteromyomas immunotherapy intermyotomal leiomyomatous lymphadectomy lymphœdemata lymphomatoses macrocythemia macrogeometry macrosystemic magnetometery maldeployment malemployment market␣economy masonry␣cement mastoidectomy matrimony␣vine May-to-December megacyclothem melanocytomas Melton␣Mowbray membranectomy membranolytic membranopathy meromycolates mesometrially mesotympanums metacommunity metaecosystem metallochromy metalloenzyme metallothermy metamolybdate metamorphopsy metamyelocyte metamyoglobin metasyndromic methoxylamine methyl␣formate methylmalonic methylmannose metonymically microcythemia micropayments midtemporally momentary␣gods monoenzymatic monomethylase monomethylate monomycolates monumentality mycobacterium myelocytomata myelolipomata myxobacterium myxoedematous nematodynamic palmitoylomes plethysmogram pneumatometry polymetallism premastectomy presymtomatic psammotherapy psychomanteum pygmy␣marmoset pyromagnetism radiosymmetry royal␣stremmas semiformality seminormality stalagmometry subcommentary sub-commentary sympathectomy symptomatized symptomatizes symptothermal tensiomyogram thermodynamic thremmatology tubomanometry tympanomeatal tympanometers tympanometric tympanotomies virtual␣memory xanthomyeloma
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 32 words
- French Wiktionary: 71 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 20 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 8 words
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