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There are 130 thirteen-letter words containing A, I, 2R, S, T and Wair␣stewardess airworthiness arrow-straight arrow␣switches artesian␣water articles␣of␣war brackishwater brackish␣water brother-in-laws brothers-in-law brothers␣in␣law Brunswick␣star carries␣weight carriwitchets carrot␣weevils Cetti's␣warbler characterwise creative␣works drinking␣straw false␣ironwort faster-growing First␣World␣War Florida␣waters Fort␣Worthians forward␣assist forwardations fugie␣warrants garret␣windows Great␣Wishford interwreathes intranetworks majority␣draws Merriweathers microsoftware mineral␣waters narrowcasting narrow-sighted narrow␣sighted nightcrawlers Norwegian␣rats port-wine␣marks posteriorward quartersawing quarter␣sawing rabbit␣warrens railway␣tracks railway␣trains rainbow␣trouts rewithdrawals Rickmansworth road␣switchers sanitarywares sanitary␣wares shirtwaisters shower␣curtain snow␣partridge spare␣tire␣well straight␣arrow strawberrying strawberryish straw-grasping street␣railway surfeit␣waters sweet␣bursaria tallowberries tertiary␣works three-way␣girls throwing␣stars timber␣drawers triple␣warmers two-way␣mirrors underwaterish Victor␣airways Virchow's␣triad waiter's␣friend Waldstreicher wandering␣star war␣cemeteries warning␣tracks warprofiteers war␣profiteers Warring␣States Warthin's␣tumor water␣aerobics watercarriers water-carriers water␣carriers watercolorist watercressing water␣diviners water␣drinkers water␣monitors water␣organist water-parsnips water␣parsnips water␣partings water␣sapphire water␣scorpion water␣skippers water␣soldiers waterstriders water␣striders water␣turbines water␣wisteria weatherstrips weather␣strips Webster␣Parish Weierstrasses Welsh␣rarebits Western␣Africa white␣croakers whitecurrants white-currants white␣currants white-trashery white␣trashery wiener␣breaths Winter␣Gardens winter␣warmers wire␣transfers with␣regards␣to Witwatersrand Wordsworthian work␣triangles worldweariest world-weariest world␣weariest writing␣boards writing␣master writing␣papers
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 10 words
- French Wiktionary: 51 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 114 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 28 words
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