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There are 92 thirteen-letter words containing A, L, 3O, R and Yacropathology aerolithology agrohydrology alcoholometry amyolotrophic anthrozoology archeozoology astrotheology astrovirology autochorously bioarcheology biolaboratory biomodulatory bloody-warrior bloody␣warrior carbonothioyl chromosomally collaboratory colostography consolatorily consolidatory crackpotology crotonylation cryolophosaur cryomodulator cryovolcanoes cyclopropanol cyclorotation cyclosophoran cyproconazole dermomyotomal dihydroazolos dinosaurology Dorothy␣dollar geoarcheology globotriaosyl haemorheology homopropargyl horologically hot␣laboratory iatrotheology isobolography isoosmolarity laevorotatory lævorotatory lollypaloozer macrorheology metaphorology monoarylation monocarbonyls monoovulatory Morongo␣Valley myomodulators myriapodology nanometrology nanotribology nonlaboratory nonobligatory oculoauditory oculogyration oculorotatory orthodoxality orthogonality orthonormally ortotopically oryctological ostracodology oxocarboxylic paleovirology phytohormonal polyamorously polyamorphous polychromator polygonal␣fort polyovulatory polyoxoaurate polyporaceous polyribosomal polysomnogram polytomograms polytomograph postovulatory promotionally propyl␣alcohol proteosomally prothyalosome radiooncology robopocalypse ultrasonology unconsolatory year␣of␣our␣Lord zooarcheology
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 8 words
- French Wiktionary: 18 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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