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There are 94 thirteen-letter words containing A, L, R, 3T and Uadultcentrist adulteratedst at␣full␣stretch attributeless attributional attributively autofertility autothrottles Chatrouletter cluster␣states clutch␣artists cutthroat␣eels fault-tolerant flutterations gutturalities juxtalittoral ketoglutarate ketogluterate lacrosstitute leafcutter␣ant leaf-cutter␣ant letter-quality litterateuses little␣bustard marital␣status metatellurate multiactuator multicatheter multicontrast multiliterate multipartyist multirotation multistrategy multistratous multistriated multitargeted multiterabyte net␣neutrality octarticulate outflattering painted␣turtle peanut␣brittle platycurtotic platykurtotic pretextuality prostitutable quality␣starts quarter␣bottle rattle␣through restitutional resultativity shuttlecrafts slayer␣statute starlight␣tour statutory␣laws structuralist structurality taken␣a␣flutter takes␣a␣flutter talk␣out␣of␣turn teletutorials telotrematous terebratulite tertiary␣butyl Tertullianist testicularity tetrabutyltin tetranucleate tetrapetalous tetraplatinum tetrasulfated thalattosaurs thaumatolatry triarticulate triglutamates Trucial␣States turntable␣hits turntableists turn␣the␣tables tutelary␣deity ultradistinct ultrafiltrate ultrafinitist ultraintimate ultraleftists ultramilitant ultramutation ultrarightist ultra␣shortcut unattractable utilitaristic vatakkiruttal water-lettuces wattle␣turkeys
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