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There are 102 fourteen-letter words containing A, B, C, H, R, T and Yantihyperbolic archpresbyters archpresbytery bachelorx␣party bacteriography Ballinascarthy Bartholin's␣cyst bathydraconids bathygraphical bayonet␣charges Bhattacharyyas biopsychiatric biotrophically birthday␣attack birthday␣effect booty␣scratcher brachial␣artery brachydactylia brachydactylic brachygnathism brachygnathous brachymetapody brachymetropia brachythoracid bronchitically bury␣the␣hatchet cambaytheriids carbathymidine carbochemistry carboxydotroph carboxymethyls carboxytherapy Carmel-by-the-Sea cathode-ray␣tube cathode␣ray␣tube Chambers␣County charybdotoxins chimneybreasts chimney-breasts Christmasberry Christmas␣berry coheritability copyrightables coreachability court␣holy␣bread cryptobranches cryptobranchid cyberanarchist cyberathletics cyberjihadists cybertherapies cybertherapist dehydroabietic erythorbic␣acid erythroblastic ethyl␣carbamate Fort␣Myers␣Beach hasty␣breaching Hebraistically heterosyllabic hybrid␣teaching hydraulic␣belts hydroboracites hydrocarbonate hydrocarburets hydrophobia␣cat hyperabducting hyperabduction hyperbatically hypercatabolic hyperexcitable hyperexcitably hyperkatabolic hypermetabolic hypobradytelic methylcarbinol mynpachtbriefs nyctibatrachid overcharitably phytobacterial phytobacterium purchasability rhabdomyocytes rhabdomyolytic right␣back␣at␣you scratchability speak␣by␣the␣card stretchability thiocarbamoyls thiocarboxylic thoracobiliary thrombocypenia thrombocytemia thrombodynamic thrombolytical thrombotically trachybasaltic trombocythemia turbomachinery unreachability Washburn␣County zygobranchiate
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 14 words
- French Wiktionary: 37 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 6 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 7 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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