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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing A, B, 2G, H, N and Tball␣lightnings banged␣to␣rights beating␣the␣wing be␣the␣bigger␣man bigger-than-life bigger␣than␣life bigger␣than␣shit bleaching␣agent bragging␣rights breathing␣gases bridging␣the␣gap changing␣tables Dogger␣Bank␣itch gathering␣board go␣out␣with␣a␣bang Great␣Broughton hanging␣baskets Heyting␣algebra rough␣breathing thought-bearing 23 definitions found- ball␣lightnings — n. Plural of ball lightning.
- banged␣to␣rights — v. Simple past tense and past participle of bang to rights.
- beating␣the␣wing — v. Present participle of beat the wing.
- be␣the␣bigger␣man — v. To walk away from a conflict to stop it from escalating.
- bigger-than-life — adj. Alternative form of larger than life.
- bigger␣than␣life — adj. Synonym of larger than life.
- bigger␣than␣shit — adj. So large and conspicuous that it would be extremely difficult to overlook.
- bleaching␣agent — n. Any substance added to a product in order to whiten it; a bleach.
- bragging␣rights — n. (Idiomatic) The prerogative to praise oneself for a skill or accomplishment. — n. (Idiomatic) Honor or prestige.
- breathing␣gases — n. Plural of breathing gas.
- bridging␣the␣gap — v. Present participle of bridge the gap.
- changing␣tables — n. Plural of changing table.
- Dogger␣Bank␣itch — n. A cutaneous condition characterized by an eczematous dermatitis…
- gathering␣board — n. (Bookbinding) A table or board on which signatures are gathered…
- go␣out␣with␣a␣bang — v. (Idiomatic) To depart from a place or situation in a grand…
- Great␣Broughton — prop.n. A village in Broughton parish, Allerdale borough, Cumbria… — prop.n. A village in Great and Little Broughton parish, Hambleton…
- hanging␣baskets — n. Plural of hanging basket.
- Heyting␣algebra — n. (Algebra, order theory) A bounded lattice, L, modified to serve…
- rough␣breathing — n. The sound equivalent to an initial "h" before a vowel or an… — n. The mark used to indicate the occurrence of the sound: ῾.
- thought-bearing — adj. Having a semantic meaning, as opposed to a syntactic function.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 1 word
- French Wiktionary: 1 word
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 5 words
- German Wiktionary: 32 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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