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There are 83 fourteen-letter words containing A, E, K, P, 2S and Tamusement␣parks antiskepticism aspartokinases Aston␣dark␣space crash-to-desktop crash␣to␣desktop desktop␣mascots eratapokriseis flakey␣pastries hyperkeratoses hyperkeratosis kalij␣pheasants kapellmeisters Karst␣Shepherds keratoplasties kicks␣up␣the␣arse kinesipathists kinetoplastids kleptoplastids kleptoplasties Koch's␣postulate leukoproteases licks␣into␣shape naked␣positions native␣speakers packetisations packet␣sniffers packet␣stations parasibirskite passed␣the␣pikes passes␣the␣pikes passing␣the␣buck patchnose␣snake Pershotravensk pigs␣in␣blankets Portuguese␣oaks pranksteresses procrastibakes protein␣kinases pseudotriakids Rathke's␣pouches Sabbath-keepers sauerkraut␣soup Scotch␣pancakes scripture␣cakes shock␣therapies shopping␣basket Skipton-on-Swale slapstickeries somatophylakes spackling␣paste spark␣arresters spark␣arrestors spatiokinetics speak␣in␣tongues specklebreasts spectraplakins speed␣stackings spike␣additions spokescreature sportsjacketed sports-jacketed spotless␣crakes staphylokinase sticking-places sticking␣places stick␣up␣one's␣ass stock␣companies streptokinases strike␣partners striking␣plates supermarketers swamp␣white␣oaks sympathy␣strike take␣by␣surprise take␣it␣up␣the␣ass take␣possession taskmastership three-step␣snake tongues-speaker tongues␣speaker took␣it␣up␣the␣ass Turk's␣cap␣lilies
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 6 words
- French Wiktionary: 31 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 202 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 119 words
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