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There are 89 fourteen-letter words containing A, F, L, N, O, S and YAbyssinian␣wolf allenylsulfone A-type␣conflicts bifucosylation chylifications confessionally cooling-off␣days county␣families cycloparaffins deformylations defucosylation diarylsulfones disconformably economy␣of␣scale factor␣analyses factor␣analysis family␣reunions family␣romances fandom␣bicycles fashionability feruloylations fissionability flamboyantness flavordynamics flights␣of␣fancy Floyd's␣triangle fluidodynamics Flynn's␣taxonomy foraminoplasty forestallingly fourpenny␣nails four-penny␣nails four␣penny␣nails fructosylation fully␣fashioned gantry␣scaffold glucofuranosyl glycofractions grey␣francolins infancy␣gospels infrasonically insular␣gray␣fox Kefalovryssion laryngofissure law␣of␣parsimony lily␣of␣the␣Incas lowercasifying manuals␣of␣style misfortunately monkeyface␣eels myofilamentous nonclassifying nonfucosylated oaths␣of␣calumny old-fashionedly phytoflavonols polyflavonoids polyfructosans polygonal␣forts polysulfations polysulfonated polytransfused postqualifying prenylflavones professionally racy␣of␣one's␣soil ribofuranosyls self-abnegatory shove␣halfpenny snowflake␣moray socially␣fluent stagflationary staphyloferrin sulfanylphenol sulfenylations sulfhydrations sulfinpyrazone sulfonylamines sulfonylations synovial␣fluids thiosulfuranyl thousandfoldly transfemorally transformylase unfallaciously unfastidiously Valley␣of␣the␣Sun xylofuranoside yellowfin␣tunas
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 9 words
- French Wiktionary: 42 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 5 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 8 words
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