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There are 82 fourteen-letter words containing A, 2M, 2O, S and Yadenolymphomas adenomyomatous amygdalotomies assemblyosomes bioimmunoassay callosumectomy chlamydomonads chondromyxomas chromodynamics comma␣of␣Didymus commodity␣meats cystometrogram cytomembranous dematomyositis dermatomycoses dermatomycosis epididymosomal gemistocytomas heteromyelomas homoplasmicity hymenosomatids hypochromatism hypometabolism hysteromyomata leiomyomatoses leiomyomatosis leiomyosarcoma lipoleiomyomas lymphoblastoma lymphosarcomas macrocosmology macroecosystem Marilyn␣Monroes matrimoniously mediastinotomy melanolysosome Melton␣Mowbrays mesoamygdaloid mesomycetozoan metalloisozyme momentaneously monomethylases monomethylates monosyllabisms morphodynamics mycoplasmology myliobatiforms myofilamentous myostimulation myostimulators myostimulatory myrmecophagous myxochondromas nonmyelomatous nonsymptomatic nonthymomatous osmometrically polychromatism polymembranous polysomnograms postmastectomy pseudolymphoma pseudomycetoma pseudomyxomata pyramids␣of␣doom rosy␣marsh␣moths serial␣monogamy seymouriamorph simptomatology smart␣motorways somnambulatory subthalamotomy symmetrophobia symptomatology symptom␣journal syntonic␣commas tensiomyograms tympanomastoid tympanostomies videokymograms woolly␣mammoths xanthomyelomas
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 13 words
- French Wiktionary: 28 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 9 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 3 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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