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There are 44 fifteen-letter words containing A, B, 2E, L and 2PAlberta␣clippers ambulancepeople appreciableness beautiful␣people betalipoprotein beta-lipoprotein bites␣at␣the␣apple bites␣of␣the␣apple blue-capped␣ifrit double␣happiness double␣play␣depth hyperbolic␣plane hyperbolic␣space hyperexpandable hyperprofitable imperscriptable imprescriptable inapprehensible movable␣property nonprecipitable paleosubspecies paper␣mulberries peripheral␣brain polar␣bear␣plunge polyphloesboean prealphabetical prehilbert␣space pre-Hilbert␣space proofs␣by␣example puellae␣publicae raspberry␣ripple Rüppell's␣warbler separable␣prefix September␣call-up slapping␣bellies superimprobable superprofitable supportableness telephonophobia unapprehendable unapprehensible unflappableness unstoppableness up␣the␣proverbial
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