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There are 24 fifteen-letter words containing A, D, G, H, I, L and Wagainst␣the␣world bleaching␣powder English␣and␣Welsh flashforwarding Garhwal␣Division Highland␣wildcat long␣white␣radish Lord␣High␣Steward Nightingale␣ward overshadowingly radioplaywright spherical␣wedges swinging␣the␣lead upward␣lightning washing-up␣liquid welding␣machines whips␣and␣jingles whirling␣disease white-girl␣wasted wholegrain␣bread whole-grain␣bread wild-goose␣chases wild␣goose␣chases with␣leaden␣wings 25 definitions found- against␣the␣world — phr. (Idiomatic, usually of people) Together; as a group, unit, or couple.
- bleaching␣powder — n. A white powder, a mixture of calcium hypochlorite and calcium…
- English␣and␣Welsh — adj. (UK, law) Of or pertaining to England and Wales (the jurisdiction… — adj. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see English, Welsh.
- flashforwarding — v. Present participle of flashforward.
- Garhwal␣Division — prop.n. One of the administrative divisions of the Republic of India.
- Highland␣wildcat — n. (UK) The Scottish wildcat.
- long␣white␣radish — n. Synonym of white radish.
- Lord␣High␣Steward — n. The first of the Great Officers of State in England, nominally…
- Nightingale␣ward — n. A hospital ward housing numerous patients in a single room.
- overshadowingly — adv. So as to overshadow.
- radioplaywright — n. A playwright who writes for radio.
- spherical␣wedges — n. Plural of spherical wedge.
- swinging␣the␣lead — v. Present participle of swing the lead.
- upward␣lightning — n. (Astronomy, meteorology) An upper-atmospheric optical phenomenon…
- washing-up␣liquid — n. (Britain) A form of liquid soap used to wash dishes by hand.
- welding␣machines — n. Plural of welding machine.
- whips␣and␣jingles — n. (US, idiomatic) A state of torturous delirium, particularly delirium tremens.
- whirling␣disease — n. A disease of salmonid fish, caused by the myxosporean parasite…
- white-girl␣wasted — n. Very drunk.
- wholegrain␣bread — n. Synonym of wholemeal bread.
- whole-grain␣bread — n. Alternative form of wholegrain bread.
- wild-goose␣chases — n. Plural of wild-goose chase.
- wild␣goose␣chases — n. Plural of wild goose chase.
- with␣leaden␣wings — adv. (Obsolete, poetic) Very slowly in progress or the passage of time.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 5 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 30 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 13 words
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