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There are 63 fifteen-letter words containing A, D, L, R, 2S and Wat␣a␣loss␣for␣words backward␣slashes blueside␣wrasses bowdlerisations bowed␣psalteries deep-water␣soloes dishwater␣blonds distilled␣waters downward␣spirals dual-edged␣swords due␣process␣of␣law dull␣as␣dishwater dwarf␣horsetails dwarf␣mistletoes edwardsiellosis fall␣on␣one's␣sword famous␣last␣words hawser-laid␣ropes headless␣browser ladies'␣bedstraws lapidary's␣wheels lay␣down␣one's␣arms lesser␣wanderers lowers␣one's␣guard Marshall␣Meadows Midway␣Islanders password␣salting plains-wanderers plains␣wanderers Richardson's␣owls Saarloos␣wolfdog Sarawak␣dolphins secondary␣worlds shadow␣real␣wages social␣Darwinism southeastwardly southwestwardly spherical␣wedges spiritual␣worlds sweetheart␣deals swimbladderless sword␣of␣Damocles sword-swallowers sword␣swallowers sword␣swallowing ultradarwinists ultraDarwinists ultra-darwinists ultra-Darwinists underclasswoman underclasswomen warmbloodedness warm-bloodedness Watergate␣salads waterloggedness water␣speedwells weasel␣war␣dances Westman␣Islander whirling␣disease Windward␣Islands wireless␣adapter Wolfring's␣glands yellow-eyed␣grass
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 2 words
- French Wiktionary: 24 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 62 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 16 words
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