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There are 61 fifteen-letter words containing A, G, K, N, S and 2Tagainst␣the␣clock antiketogenesis at␣a␣single␣stroke backscatterings backtranslating back-translating Battenberg␣cakes black-box␣testing blocking␣patents docking␣stations floating␣markets geeksploitation gesamtkunstwerk Gesamtkunstwerk get␣one's␣skates␣on got␣one's␣skates␣on government␣takes great␣antshrikes great␣thick-knees hammock␣nettings I␣know␣that's␣right kangaroo␣tickets karyomastigonts king␣of␣the␣castle knights␣caligate Leatherstocking make␣interesting making␣the␣best␣of marking-nut␣trees marking␣nut␣trees packet␣switching planktonologist pony␣keg␣stations Sanskritologist shooting-jackets signature␣strike snitch-jacketing speaking␣trumpet stagestruckness stark␣staring␣mad statokinesigram sticking␣plaster stick␣the␣landing straitjacketing striking␣tallies stuck␣the␣landing takes␣for␣granted take␣sitting␣down takes␣the␣meaning take␣the␣shilling taking␣a␣back␣seat taking␣liberties talk␣against␣time talking␣pictures talks␣everything technology␣stack tiger␣in␣one's␣tank Tukey's␣range␣test walking␣mattress walking␣patients Winogradsky␣test
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 2 words
- French Wiktionary: 5 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 178 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 56 words
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