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There are 80 fifteen-letter words containing A, H, I, 2R, S and Wancestor␣worship Archimedes␣screw Archimedes'␣screw artillery␣wheels Braunschweigers brown␣hairstreak carry␣one's␣weight chipping␣sparrow Christmas␣flower co-brothers-in-law crashworthiness Darwin's␣nothuras dishwasher␣proof draw␣in␣one's␣horns draw␣one's␣horns␣in draw␣the␣curtains dwarf␣horsetails dwarf␣spheroidal English␣sparrows fair␣weather␣fans farthingsworths ferruginous␣hawk Fisherman's␣Wharf flashforwarding for␣what␣it's␣worth great␣white␣shark greenish␣warbler Hamstall␣Ridware hardware␣disease hardworkingness hawser-laid␣ropes hawthornberries hawthorn␣berries highwire␣walkers high-wire␣walkers homework␣diaries Hurwitz␣algebras Hurwitz␣surfaces Ipswich␣sparrows javelin␣throwers Jewish␣rye␣breads Lord␣High␣Steward man-in-the-browser mathewrogersite praiseworthiest praisworthiness pressurewashing pressure-washing pressure␣washing psychiatric␣ward purchasing␣power ran␣with␣scissors Richardson's␣owls rise␣with␣the␣lark sandwich␣girders Spanish␣sparrows straightforward straight-forward straight␣forward Swedish␣rye␣bread three-strikes␣law threw␣in␣the␣cards throw␣in␣the␣cards throws␣a␣wrench␣in unairworthiness Wareham␣St␣Martin Water␣Hemisphere water␣horsetails weatherstripped wheelchair␣users whippersnappers whipper-snappers whipper␣snappers whistling␣arrows Wightmans␣Corner William's␣Harbour Winchester␣quart winterhardiness wiring␣harnesses world-historical
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 7 words
- French Wiktionary: 25 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 240 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 12 words
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